At HSL Polska, freight transport is performed by a team of railway enthusiasts.

We take care to ensure that our services meet your expectations while maintaining all quality and safety standards. Fast response time and flexibility are complemented by our experience and an open approach to all the tasks and problems. We are mainly interested in our customers, their needs and expectations, their satisfaction with our cooperation.

We are here for you and thanks to you.
We look forward to our cooperation

Chairman of the Board


At HSL Polska, freight transport is performed by a team of railway enthusiasts.

We take care to ensure that our services meet your expectations while maintaining all quality and safety standards.

Fast response time and flexibility are complemented by our experience and an open approach to all the tasks and problems.

We are mainly interested in our customers, their needs and expectations, their satisfaction with our cooperation.

We are here for you and thanks to you.
We look forward to our cooperation

Chairman of the Board                             
Bartosz Sorokosz 


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